13 May 2006

wartapes, oneworld, participatory web... beyond broadcast?

Filed under: web, berkman, beyondbroadcast, cyberdoc

day one.

secondlife registration messed up. creditcard, no pay? huh? watch on the berkman feed: James Boyle, Duke Law riffs about the future of technological innovation and net neutrality.

on screen, i see empty seats in the room. chatzilla with conference staff, and thirty minutes later charlie nesson shakes my hand and invites me through the door into Ames Hall in person, thank you very much.

in time for, THE WAR TAPES. Directed by Deborah Scranton

fallujah, IRAQ Nov. 2004; soundtrack, tension cue. pov. BANG BANG BANG. "There’s one more!" Violence. War. Know thy selves. "Today, I want to kill..."

soldiers with cameras, instant messaging and web communication, in combat overseas. wins TRIBECA FILM FESTIVAL 2006! this is a traditional feature-length documentary. showing in theatres. open source? participatory media? beyond broadcast?

what i heard this week-end at beyondbroadcst:

i heard the words "net neutrality".
i heard a filmmaker tell the audience: as Americans, we should know war.
i heard an englishman with a powerpoint link people's media with a more just global society. and quote Karl Marx: the freepress is an intellectual mirror... and self-viewing is the first component of wisdom.

"bit torrent, Ibiblio, the Open video project, Osprey, Etree.org,
Project Guttenberg, folkstreams.net"

I heard about the digital divide.
And perpetual beta.

I heard from patricia aufterheide, center for social media: "change orientation,
embrace interconnectivity", diane mermigas, hollywood reporter (E3 conference): "understand new behavior of empowered consumer, collaborate, experiment and take risks", and dan nova, highland capital partners, "simple, effective, dynamic, entertaining, and participatory".

i heard about open source, web 2.0 and del.icio.ous, and technorati.
user quality and hangtime.

i heard ideas about blog use and user-driven media:
what is your mission?
aquire audience, retain, monetize
creation, editorial oversight
guide around diverse topics

i heard about political activism: listenup.org, omidyar
feedback, network, self-empowerment, reputation and transparency.
active, migratory, connected participants... participatory co-operatives
and the threat of the for profit world.

i heard a large talking head (JZ) say god is dead. how to share?
real world and internet world intertwined.
i heard the term "unique persistant identity",
and the question: how to bring out our best sides?

i heard words of wisdom:
  • throw out what you know, and undertand that this is a new way to reach viewers and connect them with each other.
  • intentionality.
  • if you give a community tools and space to manage, they will.
  • in the absence of rules, do not fear being a dictator.
i heard the words "rhetorical space" (nesson)
and that each single voice is a driver
looking to find identity.


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